Kiosk for Future


The kiosk is designed to integrate a series of elements that will be crucial in the future. We envision a future kiosk where interactivity between the digital and the physical will be ever more blended and seamless. The facade is populated with magazines in the form of shingles and they cover the metal-clad wall. The twist is that the magazines are blank pages and information is overlayed on top of them through the advent of high precision, high fidelity tracking Panasonic projectors. There is a hugely important between human interactivity, after all, it is crucial to adhere to a vernacular on what the core of a newsstand entails. The seller is mainly responsible for selling smaller items such as lottery tickets and popular times (news/popular magazines).
The interactivity goes past the customizable and ever-changing imagery on the front pages of the magazines. The kiosk for the future envisions the ability to customize your own magazine, catering solely to an individual’s interests. There is a global reach and also a local reach to the kiosk. It not only enables digital media to translate into a tangibly physical object but allows the buyer/ consumer to print their own magazine from the printer in the kiosk. This allows for no two magazines to be the same. After all, each individual has their own unique interests. Since there is a printer in place, this allows for unlimited stock to be available and on demand.