In this demonstration of the Internet of Things, Computer Vision and Augmented Reality transform paper cups and an ordinary glass tabletop into smart interfaces. The digitally-enhanced objects enable visitors to visualize and navigate the stream of information flowing through social media while enjoying some freshly brewed coffee in real-time.RAD-UM’s Coff-e-Bar uses the coffee ritual as a catalyst for social interaction, as well as a vehicle for collective engagement with technology. Fiducials are placed under each coffee mug which is then tracked by an infrared camera. Infrared lamps are used to brighten the underside of the tabletop surface while the fiducial engine tracking the fiducials, continuously updates the position and angle of each cup on the tabletop surface. This information is given to Processing which provides the data visualization projected onto the tabletop surface. Each coffee mug is identified with a particular hashtag used to filter out unnecessary social media content. Relevant Twitter tweets and Instagram photos flock to each coffee mug which users can then rotate to cycle through the social media content.